Monday, May 2, 2011

Same bat time, same bat channel,

Well enough all ready, usama, osama, whatever? he is history, FISH FOOD as you might say( I wouldn't want to be him right now). now we need to quit celebrating and start the real work ahead, Fixing our sorry state of finances in this country. yea,yea i am sick of it too, but folks we have got to fix this now. medicare bankrupt in 5 years, social security by 2027, medicaid ( this is for the sorry ones who can't or wont be responsible for themselves) will be over 40 % of the budget by 2025.. If we let it go ,our national debt interest payment will be larger than our present revenue by 2030. can you say BANKRUPTCY! ONLY TROUBLE IT WONT GO AWAY IN 7 YEARS, It will change our history probably to the point where the USA will no longer exsist.  So what do we do. tax the rich , nope that wont solve it, for every tax dollar that is taken out of the economy, that is one less dollar that will pay our salaries, benefits, and retirements, So here I will lay out a not so easy to swallow plan to fix closely cause some of these will effect your standard of living.

1.) do not raise the debt ceiling, we can never pay off debt by borrowing more.
2) cut 20 % across the board on all federal programs, give all government employees the option to take 1 month severance or a 20% pay cut . this includes All elected officials.
3) raise retirement age to 67, if you are younger than that sorry you have to go back to work.
4) Screen all medicaid recipients, any one deemed capable of handling a job, should be disallowed immediately.
5) All workers signed up for unemployment , must do community service  of 35 hours a week to keep their benefits.
and finally incorporate a 15% flat tax on wages. no loopholes, no tax credits, everyone uses the short form.
there must also be a ceiling placed on other individual taxes such as property. sales etc. of no more than 10 %
 6) do away with the dept. of education, the EPA, IRS  and the department of homeland security and give these rights back to the states where it belongs.
These steps will be painful, but are necessary for our country to survive, in three years with these step our nation will be able tackle its debt crisis, while spurring economic growth . the only real way for us to get out of this mess is to quit spending and accelerate growth.. 

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