Monday, April 25, 2011

the beginning of the end

After the last six months it would be hard for me to be an atheist right now, you know the BIBLE said it would be this way, I guess just nobody listened. War and rumors of war,economic disasters, earthquakes, hurricanes, pestilence.exactly as the BOOK describes (Matthew 24:7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.this is only the beginning of pain,) for all who said that obama was the antichrist , he is not he is just getting things in a big enough mess so the antichrist can come on the scene. he doesnt have any answers , he is a lost as anyone can be. he is playing russian roulette with our economy and our foreign policy. he is the exact reason america is not mentioned in prophesy, cause after he gets through with us we will be a non-issue. And you know what unless something grave happens he will be re-elected. why because the best the conservatives have is donald trump? he has no stance, he has no ethics ,and he has no policy. watch one episode of the apprentice and you will see the man is a scoundrel, he has been a conservative for what 15 minutes. or the baptist preacher hickup o' sorry huckbee, or maybe you like the obama wanta-be mit romney.I would vote for a unkown first,my dog first. at least he couldnt sign into law these stupid bills that our infamous congress is passing. I sure wish we had a better CHOICE!

Friday, April 22, 2011


I would like to address some common oxymoron that occur regularly with today next generation,( green protesters picketing oil companies,yet they drove their car to the protest), or maybe (liberal youth protesting against the rich tax cuts, and fueling class warfare) while their CEO dad spends 100k per year to send them to Harvard, or Yale. When ask why they were protesting against the oil companies only 1 out of ten, could not even identify with any clarity why they were protesting, the most common answer was they are polluting the earth or the gulf spill . In the protest against the rich they call for them to pay their fair share, but they cant tell you what that share is or what it should be. Today it is fashionable to be a liberal, but in reality it is a tragedy,because of our educational systems failure to educate we are raising a generation that know nothing of history or heritage, or why freedom is a ideal worth dying for. I believe most are misguided youth, sliding through life in that youthful malaise that we all have experienced to some extent. But they are a product of our own selfishness and distraction. It is my hope that they will learn to embrace the heritage of our forefathers and move toward a more positive contribution to a freer society.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

self responsibility and entitlements

As I have become more politically aware, I have notice something about our great country. We are being over-run by the socialist politicians who use there political position to buy votes in the name of entitlements. How can that be? how can a politician buy votes in a free society? entitlements, grant , contracts, bail-outs, all are a form of vote buying. If you want the senior vote you give the seniors a raise in their social security benefits, if you want the student votes you give out more pell grants, if you want the union vote  you bail-out the car-makers. And finally if you want the farmers vote you give out bigger subsidizes.

Our nation is drowning in debt and yet our populous cant not see the Forest for the trees. YES we want to cut the debt,  yes we want a balanced budget, but NO!!!!!! dont you dare touch my government subsidy .

America it is not going to be easy , its not going to be painless. but it is got to happen. by friend or foe its coming , you can take it by cuts now, or bankruptcy later. Exactly what will bankruptcy mean?  No social security, no pell grants , no subsidizes. And finally no UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  YOU MAKE THE CALL!