Sunday, June 5, 2011

rules and regulations

I am sure by now everyone here realizes the potentially damaging rules and regulation the EPA has put on commerce and for that matter everyday life, rules that supposedly safe guard the planet no matter what the economic cost. lets take for instance the new emissions rules for large trucks. the new mandates for the trucking industry have so over inflated the cost of equipment and upkeep that the independent trucker may soon not be able to compete. With the present cost of fuel and the regulations that causes the equipment to consume more fuel., the cost per mile has increased over 100% in the past 3 years. so tell me does it make sense to produce  10 % less emissions if you using 20% more fuel. if you answered yes you need to go back to school. if a truck is averaging 8 miles per gallon and you add the emission equipment and it get 6, you are costing the environment more harm  than with no emissions at all,. its the same in the oil industry, the housing industry . there are people who would rather save a tree than give you a job.rather save and owl than put food on your tables, rather save a lizard than for you to have affordable gas in your car.As long as those people are in charge our country is in real economic danger. better wake up, forget the flowery words and the change deal., Cause if the trend continues the only change you will have left will be what jingling in your pocket. if your lucky!

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