Monday, July 25, 2011


 Well here we go cruising into the so called crashing debt ceiling, there are a couple things we as Americans should realize, our nation has crashed into these so called points of no return 5-7 times since 1970.And as of yet grandma has not missed her check yet. If social security was not presently solvent , it might be a problem. but right now the only way granny won't get paid is by executive order, ya see we ain't broke ,we are just spoiled.Johnny may not get his free lunch at school,meaning JOHNNNY'S dad may have to forgo one case of beer this week. or your deadbeat neighbor may not get her section 8 housing allowance,which means she might have to God forbid GET A JOB! or some illegals may not get there snap cards for a while(maybe they will call mexico and get them to wire our money back up here). But other than that it wont be a big deal. Maybe we'll get luck and congress will go on indefinite leave without pay. or the president will have to pay for his own fuel on air force one.Americans need to realize WE ain't broke, we just need to stay on budget. and just like all of us have to do when things get tight ,we have to CUT BACK!     PLEASE DO NOT BUY INTO ITS THE END OF THE WORLD SCENARIO. what could actually happen is we might teach more people to be (now get this it is very cutting edge) sh--- self reliant. yea i said it.I know for all you progressives think it may be profanity.But Mr. bonehead its time to play the cards dealt. GO ALL IN!Cause if we lose this hand its time to move to australia anyway. Can you say good da' mate!