I am sure many of you remember the infamous words shouted out @ the state of the union address two years back, it was famous because a certain republican had the backbone enough to call the president out on his ridiculously expensive health care mandate, known now as Obama care! Funny thing is it is a lie, a poncey scheme. A house of cards that will endanger the financial future of our nation. But this blog ain't about this, its about all the lies that disseminated since. For the short of it lets cut to the last couple of days. Yesterday our president got up in front of this nation and had a press conference. so here are a list of falsehoods he spoke in just one address.
Libya is not a military action- guess he hasn't watched the news we are dropping bombs and shooting tomahawk missiles for god sake, what is this target practice.
Raising taxes will solve the debt crisis- you could raise taxes on the wealth to 90 % and raise only 900 billion dollars, Mr. president we owe 14 trillion, where is the other 13.1 billion coming from after you kill the economy.
The Republicans have to make a deal on the debt crisis, ah no they dont, they do have freedom of choice and I hope they chose not to. default may be the only way to get the American public to realize we are broke.
WE will have to decide whether to pay our debt or give grandma her social security. no sir the decision should be to defund the epa, the dept of education, close the fed, and make everyone on the government dole take a 10 percent cut until we have paid off the debt.
Mr. President please tell the truth ,quit the gamesmanship, and the lies. America deserves better.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
the kool aid stand
I have heard over the last week that Mr. Obama is planning to spend one billion on his re-election campaign. If he wants me to vote for him maybe he should put that money toward the national debt, dont worry it aint gonna happen. but there are several things that he is doing that probably will help his chances. first he is doing the troop draw down thing, its amazing that the time line for completion comes next September right before next election.if I were a parent or acquaintance of one of these soldiers I'd think it was a pretty shady move to use them as a pawn in his next reelection bid. then last Thursday he conveniently open up the strategic oil reserve to loose up demand on the market. Why didn't he do this 2 moths ago when gas was over 4 dollars a gallon, instead of now where in some places it down to 3 dollars? because he wants it to look like he has a energy policy(which he don't). but this energy release is 2 fold number on releasing 30 million barrels @ today market price will net the government about 2.9 billion dollars if he pays that toward the debt it looks as if he is concerned with the debt, but also every time oil loses $1.00 @ the pump , it puts 20 billion dollars back in consumers pockets to spend on other goods ,thus boasting the GNP and the economy will have a surge. this is a orchestrated plan to make the economics news as good as possible at election day. please keep in mind he could have done any of these moves12 -18 months ago and eased the economic pains just as well then as now . He didn't because he is a socialist, and his socialist agenda will return full force after the next election if the American people chose to reelect him. if that happens we better start praying cause a lame duck obie-wan has no restraint. so my advice is dont drink the kool-aid its all a sham, the 14 trilion we are in debt wont be a drop in the bucket to what will happen if he gets another term. wake -up America! take America back!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
The wiener is done, seems no amount of liberal demagoguery could save the sex addict. He should have saved himself and the rest of the nation a lot of heartache and headache and resigned last week before the crap hit the fan. But the old saying " STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES" resonates truth. Too stupid to quit when he got caught, knowing the other shoe hadn't dropped, hoping against hope that everything would not come out! Well Mr wienie how did that work out for ya! And the hits just keep on coming, no joy- behar and Dr. dreads Goldberg were just this morning touting a stupid conspiracy theory, that the right had secretly taken these photo's at a public beach. Another set of poster children for the stupid is as stupid does campaign slogan. So GUYS the distractions are hilarious, but I for one am glad this HOT DOG is outta here!
Monday, June 13, 2011
ok what part of no more debt dont you understand!
Enough already, 14 trillion dollars later and what have we got, never ending recession, stagflation , 4 dollar gas. We cant get out of this by borrowing more money. We already own 2 car companies and a bunch of banks, a new project on every street corner,. they are working on every bridge from here to nowhere. To all you Keynesian economist guess what? IT AIN'T WORKING! OK stop the madness. Time for a little physical responsibility. quit spending more than you take in its that simple. cut up the credit card , burn the credit line and stop making worthless money. Quit selling our children's future to the chineese or anyone else who will buy it..You dont have to default, just quit spending. pay off the debt .Live with in our means, just like every other person in this country is gonna have to do.Is it gonna be hard ? Yes!. Are there gonna be tough decisions? Yes! If we do it now we still have a choice, later we will not. Liberty is about choice, Slavery is the other option!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
rules and regulations
I am sure by now everyone here realizes the potentially damaging rules and regulation the EPA has put on commerce and for that matter everyday life, rules that supposedly safe guard the planet no matter what the economic cost. lets take for instance the new emissions rules for large trucks. the new mandates for the trucking industry have so over inflated the cost of equipment and upkeep that the independent trucker may soon not be able to compete. With the present cost of fuel and the regulations that causes the equipment to consume more fuel., the cost per mile has increased over 100% in the past 3 years. so tell me does it make sense to produce 10 % less emissions if you using 20% more fuel. if you answered yes you need to go back to school. if a truck is averaging 8 miles per gallon and you add the emission equipment and it get 6, you are costing the environment more harm than with no emissions at all,. its the same in the oil industry, the housing industry . there are people who would rather save a tree than give you a job.rather save and owl than put food on your tables, rather save a lizard than for you to have affordable gas in your car.As long as those people are in charge our country is in real economic danger. better wake up, forget the flowery words and the change deal., Cause if the trend continues the only change you will have left will be what jingling in your pocket. if your lucky!
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