Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Only if you live in apartments or the White house, seems like our president doesn't know what the meaning of the word ceiling. Debt ceiling that is, Can you believe the conversations about this, O we have to borrow more or we will default. So now we are borrowing to pay off the money we are borrowing. please folks this is insanity, you can not borrow your way out of debt, you have to quit spending.QUIT, stop giving borrowed money to foreign government, QUIT, trying to build infrastructure on borrowed money. Quit giving taxpayer money to every corporations that is crying for a bailout, Quit subsidizing bio-fuels that cost more and provide less energy. Quit nation building., Quit being the world cops for the united nations,Quit subsidizing wind mils, solar panels. Quit being the worlds LARGEST WELFARE STATE. JUST SAY NO! This is the only N word our president doesn't use. wake up! America liberty's calling you.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
And the hits just keep on coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well folks , the news out of Washington just keeps getting better and better, yesterday the CAO (congressional accounting office) came out with some amazing statistics, it seems the welfare state is going broke quicker than they had estimated just last month, yes the ink was not even dry from their past news release and yesterday THEY GIVE US SOME MORE WONDERFUL NEWS. It was reported because with the downturn in the economy, the medicare , welfare , and social security system will go broke 5 years quicker than originally reported , 2027 was the original date if i remember correctly. Also to save the system something needs to be done in the not to distant future. SO here we are Senior, baby boomers, and taxpayers, how's Mr. Ryans plan looking to you now, seniors your present system doesn't change, baby boomers soon to be retirees under 55 you will get 15k per year to buy your own health insurance, and taxpayers it wont cost you anymore.OR we can leave it like it is, raise the fica tax to 20% of your gross income, and it will last until maybe 2050. Don't let the liberals fool you, they are the ones who took 500 billion out of the medicare fund to help start up obamacare, that isn't even constitutional and will not be returned even if its overturned in the courts. they are the ones who would have the income tax rate increased and they are the ones planning to mortgage your children's future to pay for their stupid toys like high speed rail now. By the way how is that change working out for you now America?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
more stupid nnews
Last week Chris Matthews (news commentator for More Stupid News Broadcasting Channel and Communist News Network) declared that it was the best week in our nations history, who is this guy, and does he actually get paid to make these stupid comments? the national debt tops 14 trillion, unemployment goes back to 9%, gas is 4 bucks a gallon, and food prices have broken a all time high. The best week? This is the same fellow who had that tingly feeling when obama was christened the deliverer ,really Chris that tingling you feel must be you wetting yourself. We kill one terrorist, who has been playing hide and go seek for ten year,and you feel the need to bow @ the anointed ones feet and say your the greatest.. While the single biggest threat to our national security, our debt grows@ 3 billion per day. Keep putting your heads in the sand and ignoring the consequences, but payday is coming America, and we ain't gonna be able to pay the bill..
Friday, May 6, 2011
dead is dead
Well now how can I address this but straight on, after nearly a week of hearing all the mumbo jumbo about the raid , the situation room, the downed helicopter , the Pakistanis were hiding him ,the government knew where he was for two years, the he said, they said, she said. I have figured out one thing, and to me the only thing that matters the leader of the group that brought us the worst attack on the US mainland in my memory and for my knowledge our history, IS DEAD. Was he trying to surrender ? I don't care. Was he trying he using a women as a shield(sounds like the yellow ,piece of crap)? Was it shot after being taken captive? Was it done now, to boast the presidents rating? Really i don't care. dead is dead, he may be a martyr to some, but to me he is well IS JUST DEAD. The people who are running around ,worrying about pictures, the burial @ sea , conspiracy theories about the government. Please lets move on, we have bigger fish to fry. Justice was served.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Same bat time, same bat channel,
Well enough all ready, usama, osama, whatever? he is history, FISH FOOD as you might say( I wouldn't want to be him right now). now we need to quit celebrating and start the real work ahead, Fixing our sorry state of finances in this country. yea,yea i am sick of it too, but folks we have got to fix this now. medicare bankrupt in 5 years, social security by 2027, medicaid ( this is for the sorry ones who can't or wont be responsible for themselves) will be over 40 % of the budget by 2025.. If we let it go ,our national debt interest payment will be larger than our present revenue by 2030. can you say BANKRUPTCY! ONLY TROUBLE IT WONT GO AWAY IN 7 YEARS, It will change our history probably to the point where the USA will no longer exsist. So what do we do. tax the rich , nope that wont solve it, for every tax dollar that is taken out of the economy, that is one less dollar that will pay our salaries, benefits, and retirements, So here I will lay out a not so easy to swallow plan to fix us.watch closely cause some of these will effect your standard of living.
1.) do not raise the debt ceiling, we can never pay off debt by borrowing more.
2) cut 20 % across the board on all federal programs, give all government employees the option to take 1 month severance or a 20% pay cut . this includes All elected officials.
3) raise retirement age to 67, if you are younger than that sorry you have to go back to work.
4) Screen all medicaid recipients, any one deemed capable of handling a job, should be disallowed immediately.
5) All workers signed up for unemployment , must do community service of 35 hours a week to keep their benefits.
and finally incorporate a 15% flat tax on wages. no loopholes, no tax credits, everyone uses the short form.
there must also be a ceiling placed on other individual taxes such as property. sales etc. of no more than 10 %
6) do away with the dept. of education, the EPA, IRS and the department of homeland security and give these rights back to the states where it belongs.
These steps will be painful, but are necessary for our country to survive, in three years with these step our nation will be able tackle its debt crisis, while spurring economic growth . the only real way for us to get out of this mess is to quit spending and accelerate growth..
Today I am a proud AMERICAN
Ten years later, the man who brought into prominence the words, radical Islamic terrorist, has met his appointment with eternity,. no virgins for this one only the judgment of the one and only true GOD. No mo hammed, no Allah, no jihad, only justice. Our soldiers and service men and women have prevailed,. the war may not be over, but this victory is ours. Every citizen should take inspiration, and every nation should take notice we will not go quietly into the night! Today we are not republican, democrat,libertarian, or independent, today we are Americans, today we should celebrate our accomplishments . tomorrow we can debate our differences, but today we should celebrate our national pride and endurance.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
On the road again
You find out about America when your out on the road, just a couple of my recent observations. People are way to busy, Most don't take time to appreciate their surroundings,because they are too busy worried about their problems.another is courtesy, with most people its still alive, but a larger and larger segment of us are just out for our selves, no matter how much it inconveniences others.But most of all you realize how important life @ home really is. there is no amount of money that can pay you for being away from your family, cause when its gone its gone! don't take your gifts from God for granted ,he has just loaned them to us for a little while. and whens its over the memories are all you have. Lord forgive me for my taking you and your gifts for granted.
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