Monday, October 17, 2011


Class War At Its Best (Read Slowly)
The folks who are getting the free stuff don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.
And, the folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop.
And the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!
Now... the people who are forcing the people who pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.
So... the people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff and giving them the free stuff in the first place.
We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.
Now understand this. All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. THE REASON?
The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them. (Sound familiar?)
The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 231 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. We have one chance to change that in 2012. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves! Let's take a stand and vote:
Obama: Gone!
Borders: Closed!
Language: English only!
Culture: Constitution and the Bill of Rights!
Drug Free Society: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!
NO Freebies to Non-Citizens!

Your choice - Your Country - You decide. I just 


Monday, September 5, 2011

THE BLAME GAME! The truth about the economic disaster

I am tired of the lies spread by the liberal socialist who want to centralize our entire government system. Mr. Obama is not qualified for office, he needs to be @ the local Y where his socialist policies are MORE ACCEPTABLE . There he can appoint czars for anything he would like. These may be the most important truths you will ever hear concerning the blame game.

When the Democrats assumed control of Congress in 2007, they immediately began to talk about tax increases and greater regulatory activity. It was clear that they hoped to abandon tax cuts previously enacted and planned more government intervention in the marketplace. The results, by the numbers, were staggering. Just two years later, in January, 2009, the unemployment rate was at 7.2 percent and rising. Real economic growth had decreased to -6.3 percent and nominal growth was down to -5.8 percent. The budget deficit had grown to at least $455 billion and was projected to go to $1.2 trillion. The Dow Jones Industrial had shed 30 percent of their value and were down to 8116.03.

President Obama and other Democrats want to blame this precipitous deterioration of the economy on President Bush and Republican economic theory. The problem for them is that GOP policies were working until the Democrats assumed congressional power, not working perfectly by any means, but working. The Democrat's tax, borrow and spend policies proved disastrous. And the disaster has been compounded by total Democratic control of the Washington levers of power.

Today, the economic downturn continues unabated. Using the most recent official number compiled in JUNE 2011, the situation has continued to deteriorate. Unemployment is up. The March figure was 9.2 percent and it has gone higher since that. GDP continues to sink. The real growth figure for the 1st Quarter of 2009 was -6.1 percent and the nominal growth number stood at -3.5 percent. The first half Fiscal Year 2009 deficit projection was $953 billion and when the President's proposals are enacted the annual deficit went to $1.8 trillion, a one year deficit figure that exceeds all the deficits of the Bush Administration combined. And the Dow Jones Industrial after falling to below 7000 have recovered to  12000, but have took a second slide to around 10,000 and may still be falling. And the big deal OBAMACARE HASN'T EVEN HIT THE FAN YET.

So now after all this who would you blame? Although the republicans faded in the later end of Bush's term we still had positive growth and by present standards our deficit was almost non-existent. Bush added over 20 million jobs during his term and it would have been more if he had reined in the bureaucracy instead of letting the epa, osha, and the dept of homeland security run wild as did his predecessor.

Believe the liberal media ,if you want but facts are facts. you decide now who to blame in the BLAME GAME!

Monday, July 25, 2011


 Well here we go cruising into the so called crashing debt ceiling, there are a couple things we as Americans should realize, our nation has crashed into these so called points of no return 5-7 times since 1970.And as of yet grandma has not missed her check yet. If social security was not presently solvent , it might be a problem. but right now the only way granny won't get paid is by executive order, ya see we ain't broke ,we are just spoiled.Johnny may not get his free lunch at school,meaning JOHNNNY'S dad may have to forgo one case of beer this week. or your deadbeat neighbor may not get her section 8 housing allowance,which means she might have to God forbid GET A JOB! or some illegals may not get there snap cards for a while(maybe they will call mexico and get them to wire our money back up here). But other than that it wont be a big deal. Maybe we'll get luck and congress will go on indefinite leave without pay. or the president will have to pay for his own fuel on air force one.Americans need to realize WE ain't broke, we just need to stay on budget. and just like all of us have to do when things get tight ,we have to CUT BACK!     PLEASE DO NOT BUY INTO ITS THE END OF THE WORLD SCENARIO. what could actually happen is we might teach more people to be (now get this it is very cutting edge) sh--- self reliant. yea i said it.I know for all you progressives think it may be profanity.But Mr. bonehead its time to play the cards dealt. GO ALL IN!Cause if we lose this hand its time to move to australia anyway. Can you say good da' mate!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I am sure many of you remember the infamous words shouted out @ the state of the union address two years back, it was famous because a certain republican had the backbone enough to call the president out on his ridiculously expensive health care mandate, known now as Obama care! Funny thing is it is a lie,  a poncey scheme. A house of cards that will endanger the financial future of our nation. But this blog ain't about this, its about all the lies that disseminated since. For the short of it lets cut to the last couple of days. Yesterday our president got up in front of this nation and had a press conference. so here are a list of falsehoods he spoke in just one address.
Libya is not a military action- guess he hasn't watched the news we are dropping bombs and shooting tomahawk missiles for god sake, what is this target practice.

Raising taxes will solve the debt crisis- you could raise taxes on the wealth to 90 % and raise only 900 billion dollars, Mr. president we owe 14 trillion, where is the other 13.1 billion coming from after you kill the economy.

The Republicans have to make a deal on the debt crisis, ah no they dont, they do have freedom of choice and I hope they chose not to. default may be the only way to get the American public to realize we are broke.

WE will have to decide whether to pay our debt or give grandma her social security. no sir the decision should be to defund the epa, the dept of education, close the fed, and make everyone on the government dole take a 10 percent cut until we have paid off the debt.

Mr. President please tell the truth ,quit the gamesmanship, and the lies. America deserves better.

Monday, June 27, 2011

the kool aid stand

I have heard over the last week that Mr. Obama is planning to spend one billion on his re-election campaign. If he wants me to vote for him maybe he should put that money toward the national debt, dont worry it aint gonna happen. but there are several things that he is doing that probably will help his chances. first he is doing the troop draw down thing, its amazing that the time line for completion comes next September right before next election.if I were a parent or acquaintance of one of these soldiers I'd think it was a pretty shady move to use them as a pawn in his next reelection bid. then last Thursday he conveniently open up the strategic oil reserve to loose up demand on the market. Why didn't he do this 2 moths ago when gas was over 4 dollars a gallon, instead of now where in some places it down to 3 dollars? because he wants it to look like he has a energy policy(which he don't). but this energy release is 2 fold number on releasing 30 million barrels @ today market price will net the government about 2.9 billion dollars if he pays that toward the debt it looks as if he is concerned with the debt, but also every time oil loses $1.00 @ the pump , it puts 20 billion dollars back in consumers pockets to spend on other goods ,thus boasting the GNP and the economy will have a surge. this is a orchestrated plan to make  the economics news as good as possible at election day. please keep in mind he could have done any of these moves12 -18 months ago and eased the economic pains just as well then as now . He didn't because he is a socialist, and his socialist agenda will return full force after the next election if the American people chose to reelect him. if that happens we better start praying cause a lame duck obie-wan has no restraint. so my advice is dont drink the kool-aid its all a sham, the 14 trilion we are in debt wont be a drop in the bucket to what will happen if he gets another term. wake -up America!   take America back!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


The wiener is done, seems no amount of liberal demagoguery could save the sex addict. He should have saved himself  and the rest of the nation a lot of heartache and headache and resigned last week before the crap hit the fan. But the old saying " STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES" resonates truth. Too stupid to quit when he got caught, knowing the other shoe hadn't dropped, hoping against hope that everything would not come out! Well Mr wienie how did that work out for ya! And the hits just keep on coming,  no joy- behar  and Dr. dreads Goldberg  were just this morning touting a stupid conspiracy theory, that the right had secretly taken these photo's at a public beach. Another set of poster children for the stupid is as stupid does campaign slogan. So GUYS the distractions are hilarious, but I for one am glad this HOT DOG is outta here!

Monday, June 13, 2011

ok what part of no more debt dont you understand!

Enough already, 14 trillion dollars later and what have we got, never ending recession, stagflation , 4 dollar gas. We cant get out of this by borrowing more money. We already own 2 car companies and a bunch of banks,  a new project on every street corner,. they are working on every bridge from here to nowhere. To all you Keynesian economist guess what? IT AIN'T WORKING! OK stop the madness. Time for a little physical responsibility. quit spending more than you take in its that simple. cut up the credit card , burn the credit line and stop making worthless money. Quit selling our children's future to the chineese or anyone else who will buy it..You dont have to default, just quit spending. pay off the debt .Live with in our means, just like every other person in this country is gonna have to do.Is it gonna be hard ? Yes!. Are there gonna be tough decisions? Yes! If we do it now we still have a choice, later we will not. Liberty is about choice, Slavery is the other option!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

rules and regulations

I am sure by now everyone here realizes the potentially damaging rules and regulation the EPA has put on commerce and for that matter everyday life, rules that supposedly safe guard the planet no matter what the economic cost. lets take for instance the new emissions rules for large trucks. the new mandates for the trucking industry have so over inflated the cost of equipment and upkeep that the independent trucker may soon not be able to compete. With the present cost of fuel and the regulations that causes the equipment to consume more fuel., the cost per mile has increased over 100% in the past 3 years. so tell me does it make sense to produce  10 % less emissions if you using 20% more fuel. if you answered yes you need to go back to school. if a truck is averaging 8 miles per gallon and you add the emission equipment and it get 6, you are costing the environment more harm  than with no emissions at all,. its the same in the oil industry, the housing industry . there are people who would rather save a tree than give you a job.rather save and owl than put food on your tables, rather save a lizard than for you to have affordable gas in your car.As long as those people are in charge our country is in real economic danger. better wake up, forget the flowery words and the change deal., Cause if the trend continues the only change you will have left will be what jingling in your pocket. if your lucky!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Only if you live in apartments or the White house, seems like our president doesn't know what the meaning of the word ceiling. Debt ceiling that is, Can you believe the conversations about this, O we have to borrow more or we will default. So now we are borrowing to pay off the money we are borrowing. please folks this is insanity, you can not borrow your way out of debt, you have to quit spending.QUIT, stop giving borrowed money to foreign government, QUIT, trying to build infrastructure on borrowed money. Quit giving taxpayer money to every corporations that is crying for a bailout, Quit subsidizing bio-fuels that cost more and provide less energy. Quit nation building., Quit being the world cops for the united nations,Quit subsidizing wind mils, solar panels. Quit being the worlds LARGEST WELFARE STATE. JUST SAY NO! This is the only N word  our president doesn't use. wake up! America liberty's calling you.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

And the hits just keep on coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Well folks , the news out of Washington just keeps getting better and better, yesterday the CAO (congressional accounting office) came out with some amazing statistics, it seems the welfare state is going broke quicker than they had  estimated just last month, yes the ink was not even dry from their past  news release and yesterday THEY GIVE US SOME MORE WONDERFUL NEWS. It was reported because with the downturn in the economy, the medicare , welfare , and social security system will go broke 5 years quicker than originally reported , 2027 was the original date if i remember correctly. Also to save the system something needs to be done in the not to distant future. SO here we are Senior, baby boomers, and taxpayers, how's Mr. Ryans plan looking to you now, seniors your present system doesn't change, baby boomers soon to be retirees under 55  you will get 15k per year to buy your own health insurance, and taxpayers it wont cost you anymore.OR we can leave it like it is, raise the fica tax to 20% of your gross income, and it will last until maybe 2050. Don't let the liberals fool you, they are the ones who took 500 billion out of the medicare fund to help start up obamacare, that isn't even constitutional and will not be returned even if its overturned in the courts. they are the ones who would have the income tax rate increased and they are the ones planning to mortgage your children's future to pay for their stupid toys like high speed rail now. By the way how is that change working out for you now America?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

more stupid nnews

Last week Chris Matthews (news commentator for More Stupid News Broadcasting Channel and Communist News Network) declared that it was the best week in our nations history, who is this guy, and does he actually get paid to make these stupid comments? the national debt tops 14 trillion, unemployment goes back to 9%, gas is 4 bucks a gallon, and food prices have broken a all time high. The best week? This is the same fellow who had that tingly feeling when obama was christened the deliverer ,really Chris that tingling you feel must be you wetting yourself. We kill one terrorist, who has been playing hide and go seek for ten year,and you feel the need to bow @ the anointed ones feet and say your the greatest.. While the single biggest threat to our national security, our debt grows@ 3 billion per day. Keep putting your heads in the sand and ignoring the consequences, but payday is coming America, and we ain't gonna be able to pay the bill..

Friday, May 6, 2011

dead is dead

Well now how can I address this but straight on, after nearly a week of hearing all the mumbo jumbo about the raid , the situation room, the downed helicopter , the Pakistanis were hiding him ,the government knew where he was for two years, the he said, they said, she said. I have figured out one thing, and to me the only thing that matters the leader of the group that brought us the worst attack on the US mainland in my memory and for my knowledge our history, IS DEAD. Was he trying to surrender ? I don't care. Was he trying he using a women as a shield(sounds like the yellow ,piece of crap)? Was it shot after being taken captive? Was it done now, to boast the presidents rating? Really i don't care. dead is dead, he may be a martyr to some, but to me he is well  IS JUST DEAD. The people who are running around ,worrying about pictures, the burial @ sea , conspiracy theories about the government. Please lets move on, we have bigger fish to fry. Justice was served.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Same bat time, same bat channel,

Well enough all ready, usama, osama, whatever? he is history, FISH FOOD as you might say( I wouldn't want to be him right now). now we need to quit celebrating and start the real work ahead, Fixing our sorry state of finances in this country. yea,yea i am sick of it too, but folks we have got to fix this now. medicare bankrupt in 5 years, social security by 2027, medicaid ( this is for the sorry ones who can't or wont be responsible for themselves) will be over 40 % of the budget by 2025.. If we let it go ,our national debt interest payment will be larger than our present revenue by 2030. can you say BANKRUPTCY! ONLY TROUBLE IT WONT GO AWAY IN 7 YEARS, It will change our history probably to the point where the USA will no longer exsist.  So what do we do. tax the rich , nope that wont solve it, for every tax dollar that is taken out of the economy, that is one less dollar that will pay our salaries, benefits, and retirements, So here I will lay out a not so easy to swallow plan to fix closely cause some of these will effect your standard of living.

1.) do not raise the debt ceiling, we can never pay off debt by borrowing more.
2) cut 20 % across the board on all federal programs, give all government employees the option to take 1 month severance or a 20% pay cut . this includes All elected officials.
3) raise retirement age to 67, if you are younger than that sorry you have to go back to work.
4) Screen all medicaid recipients, any one deemed capable of handling a job, should be disallowed immediately.
5) All workers signed up for unemployment , must do community service  of 35 hours a week to keep their benefits.
and finally incorporate a 15% flat tax on wages. no loopholes, no tax credits, everyone uses the short form.
there must also be a ceiling placed on other individual taxes such as property. sales etc. of no more than 10 %
 6) do away with the dept. of education, the EPA, IRS  and the department of homeland security and give these rights back to the states where it belongs.
These steps will be painful, but are necessary for our country to survive, in three years with these step our nation will be able tackle its debt crisis, while spurring economic growth . the only real way for us to get out of this mess is to quit spending and accelerate growth.. 

Today I am a proud AMERICAN

 Ten years later, the man who brought into prominence the words, radical Islamic terrorist, has met his appointment with eternity,. no virgins for this one only the judgment of the one and only true GOD. No mo hammed, no Allah, no jihad, only justice. Our soldiers and service men and women have prevailed,. the war may not be over, but this victory is ours. Every citizen should take inspiration, and every nation should take notice we will not go quietly into the night! Today we are not republican, democrat,libertarian, or independent, today we are Americans, today we should celebrate our accomplishments . tomorrow we can debate our differences, but today we should celebrate our national pride and endurance.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

On the road again

You find out about America when your out on the road, just a couple of my recent observations. People are way to busy, Most don't take time to appreciate their surroundings,because they are too busy worried about their problems.another is courtesy, with most people its still alive, but a larger and larger segment of us are just out for our selves, no matter how much it inconveniences others.But most of all you realize how important life @ home really is. there is no amount of money that can pay you for being away from your family, cause when its gone its gone! don't take your gifts from God for granted ,he has just loaned them to us for a little while. and whens its over the memories are all you have. Lord forgive me for my taking you and your gifts for granted.

Monday, April 25, 2011

the beginning of the end

After the last six months it would be hard for me to be an atheist right now, you know the BIBLE said it would be this way, I guess just nobody listened. War and rumors of war,economic disasters, earthquakes, hurricanes, pestilence.exactly as the BOOK describes (Matthew 24:7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.this is only the beginning of pain,) for all who said that obama was the antichrist , he is not he is just getting things in a big enough mess so the antichrist can come on the scene. he doesnt have any answers , he is a lost as anyone can be. he is playing russian roulette with our economy and our foreign policy. he is the exact reason america is not mentioned in prophesy, cause after he gets through with us we will be a non-issue. And you know what unless something grave happens he will be re-elected. why because the best the conservatives have is donald trump? he has no stance, he has no ethics ,and he has no policy. watch one episode of the apprentice and you will see the man is a scoundrel, he has been a conservative for what 15 minutes. or the baptist preacher hickup o' sorry huckbee, or maybe you like the obama wanta-be mit romney.I would vote for a unkown first,my dog first. at least he couldnt sign into law these stupid bills that our infamous congress is passing. I sure wish we had a better CHOICE!

Friday, April 22, 2011


I would like to address some common oxymoron that occur regularly with today next generation,( green protesters picketing oil companies,yet they drove their car to the protest), or maybe (liberal youth protesting against the rich tax cuts, and fueling class warfare) while their CEO dad spends 100k per year to send them to Harvard, or Yale. When ask why they were protesting against the oil companies only 1 out of ten, could not even identify with any clarity why they were protesting, the most common answer was they are polluting the earth or the gulf spill . In the protest against the rich they call for them to pay their fair share, but they cant tell you what that share is or what it should be. Today it is fashionable to be a liberal, but in reality it is a tragedy,because of our educational systems failure to educate we are raising a generation that know nothing of history or heritage, or why freedom is a ideal worth dying for. I believe most are misguided youth, sliding through life in that youthful malaise that we all have experienced to some extent. But they are a product of our own selfishness and distraction. It is my hope that they will learn to embrace the heritage of our forefathers and move toward a more positive contribution to a freer society.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

self responsibility and entitlements

As I have become more politically aware, I have notice something about our great country. We are being over-run by the socialist politicians who use there political position to buy votes in the name of entitlements. How can that be? how can a politician buy votes in a free society? entitlements, grant , contracts, bail-outs, all are a form of vote buying. If you want the senior vote you give the seniors a raise in their social security benefits, if you want the student votes you give out more pell grants, if you want the union vote  you bail-out the car-makers. And finally if you want the farmers vote you give out bigger subsidizes.

Our nation is drowning in debt and yet our populous cant not see the Forest for the trees. YES we want to cut the debt,  yes we want a balanced budget, but NO!!!!!! dont you dare touch my government subsidy .

America it is not going to be easy , its not going to be painless. but it is got to happen. by friend or foe its coming , you can take it by cuts now, or bankruptcy later. Exactly what will bankruptcy mean?  No social security, no pell grants , no subsidizes. And finally no UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  YOU MAKE THE CALL!